Medical Mutual

July 2, 2014

Jim Martin
Genesis Planning & Design
300 E. Broad Street
Suite 310
Columbus, Ohio 43215


I’d like to express my sincerest appreciation for the role you played in opening our new office suite on the
14th floor of One Columbus earlier this year. As myself and my Real Estate team are based in Cleveland,
we were not able to be on-site often at all during the project. We brought you on board to be our “eyes
and ears” on site to make sure the project was moving along successfully and on time. Doing so was one
of the best decisions I made for this project.

First let me say that the office has been an enormous success no only to the employees that work there,
but also to all of the folk who have visited from our corporate headquarters in Cleveland. The end result
exceeded expectations and those expectations were high from the beginning.

Even more impressive to me than the successful end result was the hard work and dedication you put in to
making it all happen on time. This timing of the project for Medical Mutual to consolidate our two
Columbus area offices into one facility at One Columbus was very aggressive. The timeline from lease
signing to our targeted opening date left virtually no room for delays. During that time, as is typical for a
project like this, we made new decisions or delayed other decisions that should have delayed our targeted
opening date. Through your relationships with other key parties such as the contractor and furniture
vendor and your vast experience in projects such as these in the past, you helped us get the project back
on track to the point that we opened on time without any delay.

So while corporately I was applauded for delivering an on-time project, it was as much you and your role
that made that happen, and less anything specific that I did. On top of that, you were very easy to work
with throughout the project. I never felt out of the loop on the project status even though I was only on-
site personally once during the build-out of the office.

Thanks again, Jim. If ever asked for a design consulting receommendation in the Columbus area, I
wouldn’t hesitate to provide your name. Additionally, I’d be more than happy to be a reference for your
company if that was something of interest to you.



Jeffrey B. Williamson
Vice President, Corporate Development & Real Estate
Medical Mutual of Ohio